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Re: Unable to acess picture folder on my computer through winscp

Montana wrote:

But i still why the images dont show on my iphone even if i upload the images

For this you should seek an advice on iPhone-related forum.

Unable to acess picture folder on my computer through winscp

But i still why the images dont show on my iphone even if i upload the images

Re: Unable to acess picture folder on my computer through winscp

The hidden "My Music" (and similar) folders in "My documents" folder are hidden inaccessible junction points. I believe they are kept for backward compatibility with previous versions of Windows (where they were real folders). You cannot access these even in Windows Explorer. Actual location of "My Music" folder is C:\Users\username\Music (username is Tony in your case).

Unable to acess picture folder on my computer through winscp

Also tried to register on this site and is telling me to try later all the time ...

Unable to acess picture folder on my computer through winscp

On winscp left pane the my music and my picture folders are greyed out . double click on them and get an error . I moved the folder to the desktop and seem to work but after upload to iphone5 images are not viewable on the device.
Please Help :(