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Re: Edit Shortcut Keybind in 5.5

My mistake, I guess I ran the 5.5.0 installer instead of 5.5.1. Thanks for getting this fixed and sorry about the error in my report.

Re: Edit Shortcut Keybind in 5.5

It works ok for me in 5.5.1. Are you using this version? What happens if you press E second time?

Re: Edit Shortcut Keybind in 5.5

I finally upgraded to the latest version, and pressing E now goes to edit on the menu, but doesn't automatically activate it. I went back and checked previous versions, pressing E will select and activate edit, so that just one key press is required to open a file for editing.


Edit Shortcut Keybind in 5.5

In the previous version of WinSCP (using the Commander interface) you were able to right click on a file and press e to open the file for editing, rather than manually selecting it from the menu or using the F4 shortcut. This was a helpful feature, as F4 is a pretty far reach compared to e. It would be nice to have this feature back.