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I already tried different variations of that and looked at those documents. Can someone Give me there working task scheduler setup? Replacing all private files with "Sample" or something like that. At least then I would know how one is actually suppose to look like and can trouble shoot from there.

Re: Windows Task Scheduler "Host does not exist" Problem! HELP!!

MindOverMatter wrote:

"open" "put K:\Dropbox/File.txt /<root>" "exit"

This is definitely not a correct URL.
It should be something like:

Windows Task Scheduler "Host does not exist" Problem! HELP!!

So I set up a task manager followed all the instructions carefully tried running the code, get error saying "host does not exist". Tried using both the open "site" command and open "Ftp Url" command. Commands are as follows:

"open" "put K:\Dropbox/File.txt /<root>" "exit"

"open SITENAME" "put K:\Dropbox/File.txt /<root>" "exit"

in both cases Winscp told me that host does not exist and by the way the site is created under winscp and my firewall added winscp as an expection, so I do not know what the problem could be. please help.

I cannot upload log as there is a lot of private information.
