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Re: Need to pre-set domain for login prompt

Will see if more people ask for this.

Re: Need to pre-set domain for login prompt

martin wrote:

Neither is possible.
But you can prompt for username using set /P USERNAME="Enter username:" command from a batch file and then use %USERNAME% in the WinSCP script for open command.

Thanks for your prompt answer. Can you add or I move these to the feature request list?
Would be really nice if this could be read from the WinSCP.ini file


Re: Need to pre-set domain for login prompt

Neither is possible.
But you can prompt for username using set /P USERNAME="Enter username:" command from a batch file and then use %USERNAME% in the WinSCP script for open command.

Need to pre-set domain for login prompt


I am using winscp command line/script to upload some files to some FTP servers. IIS 6 and IIS 7.
I do not want to specify username and password in the command itself and so I get prompted with the WinSCP username and password dialogs "on the way". This is OK, but I would like the username field to be pre-configure with the domain so that I do not have to type this every time. Is this possible?

Also - is it possible to add/change the user info text in these dialogs/windows?

/Tord Bergset