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Topic review


Re: Purpose of sychrnize button>

So does sychronize swap and then delete files? In other words, could the files on server have been moved to my local PC, and then deleted on server? If so I guess I could copy them back to server and try re booting server.

Deleted files are not preserved anywhere by WinSCP :-(

Re: Purpose of sychrnize button>

OK thanks,

So does synchronize swap and then delete files? In other words, could the files on server have been moved to my local PC, and then deleted on server? If so I guess I could copy them back to server and try re booting server.

Re: Purpose of sychrnize button>

Synchronize button synchronizes content of local directory with remote one. If you have selected remote directory synchronization and checked "delete files" option, it caused remote files not existing in local directory to be removed.

To refresh a content of directory, use "Refresh" button.
Thomas Roberts

Purpose of synchronize button>


Can anyone tell me what the purpose of the synchronize button is? I clicked it thinking it was a refresh button and it seems to have wiped out some of my server files.

Thanks for any info..