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Topic review


New version has multiple file support.
So my problems are no more.
Keep up the good work.

Re: UltraEdit - Waiting for file to close

Eiki wrote:

Is the only way to find out if the file has been closed to see if the program is running?

It is the only reliable way I know about.

I may potentially check if the file is locked by another application. But it may take while before the other application (text processor) starts up and locks the file. How long should WinSCP wait? Also some applications unlocks the file immediattely after they load it.

If anyone knows better way, I'm certainly interested.

UltraEdit - Waiting for file to close


I have a problem with Winscp and ultraedit.
When i double click a file from winscp
witch opens with ultraedit (my default editor).
Winscp will display a message saying
Waiting for a document to close.

When i close the file in ultraedit without closing ultraedit program
then the waiting message in winscp doesn't go away, not until i close the program.
Is the only way to find out if the file has been closed to see if the program is running?

Best Regards,