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Topic review


Re: Upgrading to the latest WinSCP version

You can rename the winscp.exe to winscp3.exe. But you should test it nevertheless. While we keep WinSCP as backward-compatible as possible, it's been quite a some time since 3.8.2 (9 years!).

Re: Upgrading to the latest WinSCP version

martin wrote:

It's not a problem. Just use the

Thanks admin. All of the tasks run via Windows Task Scheduler so I want to make sure that the old/existing scripts that use winscp3.exe would still work (no need to update the script)? I know that this can be answered by testing the scripts in the task scheduler but I can't connect to the sessions due to some access restriction so I can't perform the test.

Re: Upgrading to the latest WinSCP version

It's not a problem. Just use the

Upgrading to the latest WinSCP version


All of our automated tasks use WinSCP version 3.82. But due to an automation that requires a passphrase, I need to use the latest version WinSCP 5.72. All of the scripts will be run in the same server so I installed the latest version on the same machine and upgrade it. I saw that the installation folder retains the winscp3 and updates some files only. Would it post a problem if both version will be used? The existing tasks call the winscp3.exe and the new one calls


Upgrading to latest version of Winscp

I want to upgrade my WinSCP version from 5.1.3 to the latest one.

If I do so, what happens to the handshaking of the keys; Do I need to redo again?