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Topic review


drops conn very fast if not using app for a few minutes

the same problem started to appear after i switched from att dsl to Comcast xnfinity cable.

does it mean that Comcast drops off connection if no data transfer detected?
is it my cable modem settings?


Re: I love WINSCP but this is getting ridiculous

What do you suggest WinSCP should do if communication with a server stalls?

I love WINSCP but this is getting ridiculous

The timeout in WinSCP is extremely annoying. Host not communicating... is a common error which triggers WinSCP to stop doing what you wanted it to do (for example, open directory) and it imeddiately tries to reconnect forcing whatever action you were doing prior like opening a directory to no longer take any affect. Sure, thats small minor annoyance of which you'll have to do the same step again... but the fact that the host stops communicating every once and while is unbearable! WinSCP used to work for days without this bullfeces and now its doing this after every 15+ minutes or so...

I've confirmed this exact problem with another friend who uses this program and we also have updated to the latest versions and still get this problem!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come up with a solution, I really dislike any other FTP Client, nothing is comparable to WinSCP and if this error didn't take place, this client would be perfect!!!!