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Re: SCP in VMS

I'm getting the following error message:
Host hasn't answere for 60 seconds.
wait for anther 60 seconds? Pressing 'Abort button will close session.
Warning:Aborting this operation will close connection.
There are 2 choices to Abort or Retry.

This "report" does not a help me at all to solve your problem. There's little I can do without seeing the log file. You should at least tell me if you are using SCP of SFTP and if you have tried the latter protocol. I suppose that WinSCP would not work in SCP mode against VMS. It may work with SFTP.

Re: SCP in VMS

martin wrote:

litvanm wrote:

Hi Gwen. I have the same question. We are running VMS and I'm trying to connect WINSCP to it. Did you have any luck with it. Please send message to

Can you post a log file?

Hi Martin,

I'm getting the following error message:
Host hasn't answere for 60 seconds.
wait for anther 60 seconds? Pressing 'Abort button will close session.
Warning:Aborting this operation will close connection.
There are 2 choices to Abort or Retry.
We are running VMS box. the interesting that I tried to connect to another box which running on UNIX, and it connected wright away without anything. So, I'm thinking that I probably missing some kind of configuration on VMS box or maybe on my local PC.

Re: SCP in VMS

litvanm wrote:

Hi Gwen. I have the same question. We are running VMS and I'm trying to connect WINSCP to it. Did you have any luck with it. Please send message to

Can you post a log file?

Re: SCP in VMS

Gwen wrote:

I have a PC whitch is in the same LAN as the alpha system (VMS OS). I have SSH support in the alpha, my question is can the WinSCP connect to the alpha? What do I need to get it work? Is it possible? Thanks for some feedback!

Hi Gwen. I have the same question. We are running VMS and I'm trying to connect WINSCP to it. Did you have any luck with it. Please send message to


Re: SCP in VMS

I have no experience with SSH on VMS. Do you have SFTP server for VMS?


I have a PC whitch is in the same LAN as the alpha system (VMS OS). I have SSH support in the alpha, my question is can the WinSCP connect to the alpha? What do I need to get it work? Is it possible? Thanks for some feedback!