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Re: temp storage issue

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Re: temp storage issue

martin wrote:

There's (undocumented) property Session.XmlLogPath.

Hi Martin

If I add Session.XmlLogPath prior to session.Open(sessionOptions) I get this timeout error:

"Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond - WinSCP has not responded in time (response log file C:\\Users\\clarkes\\Documents\\Projects\\SKYIQInbound\\SKYIQInbound\\Files\\TempStoragePath\\ was not created). This could indicate lack of write permissions to the log folder or problems starting WinSCP itself"

I know the path has read/write permissions so its not a permission issue

Any ideas?

Re: temp storage issue

There's (undocumented) property Session.XmlLogPath.

temp storage issue


I am using the Winscp.dll in C# along with Winscp.exe which is 5.1.0 Build 2625.

The problem I am having is that when getting files on an sFTP connection, it uses the windows temp directory to store files it is buffering. even if I specify a different storage location in winscp.exe the dll is still using the windows temp location. This is a problem as when I deploy the program to a server (Windows Server 2012), I do not have write permissons to the temp directory. I get the following error:

"sFTP error Access to the path 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2795.tmp' is denied"

Any thoughts on what I can do to configure the winSCP dll to store temp files in a specified location? There seems to be no way to configure it in the API

I have tried the latest version of the dll, WinSCPnet.dll and the same thing happens.