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Topic review


Re: Unable to connect to Openelec after update to 5.5.3

I can only guess that you have some firewall/antivirus application that blocks the new version of WinSCP from accessing a network. Try to disable firewall/antivirus and test again.

See also:

Re: Unable to connect to Openelec after update to 5.5.3

martin wrote:

Please attach a complete log file from both versions.

Attached the logfile using Version 5.5.0 (Build 3839) first.
After update to Version 5.5.3 (Build 4214) 'Permission Denied'.
Installing older version on top restores connectivity.

Good luck! :-)

Re: Unable to connect to Openelec after update to 5.5.3

Please attach a complete log file from both versions.

Unable to connect to Openelec after update to 5.5.3

As per title: updated to version 5.5.3 today and can no longer log in to OpenElec (running on my Raspberry Pi).
Works fine with version 5.5.0