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Re: carriage return added to data after gzip is used to zip a file back that was winscp3 to a unix server

diane lupinski wrote:

It says that the mode is binary while copying the data .

I apologise I was not reading your first post carefully.

If I understand now, the file was transfered correctly. The problem appeared after zipping the correct file back. OK? So it does not seem to be WinSCP problem, I believe.

Anyway, I do not have any hint for you, unless I still do not understand.
diane lupinski

Re: carriage return added to data after gzip is used to zip a file back that was winscp3 to a unix server

martin wrote:

You are probably using text/ascii mode transfer. Make sure you select "binary" mode in transfer options.

It says that the mode is binary while copying the data .

Re: carriage return added to data after gzip is used to zip a file back that was winscp3 to a unix server

You are probably using text/ascii mode transfer. Make sure you select "binary" mode in transfer options.
diane lupinski

carriage return added to data after gzip is used to zip a file back that was winscp3 to a unix server

Unix received a file that was zipped using winzip. The file was transfered to another unix box in binary mode using winscp3. The file was than unzipped and it looked fine. We used unix gzip to zip it back and then looked at the data and each record contains a carriage return hex'0D' at the end.

The file was treated the same way with ftp transfer on Unix and the carriage returns are not there.

Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?