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Topic review


Re: Bandwidth Limiting

alex.davies wrote:

Can I please vote on the "keep remote directory up to date" to have the ability to automatically reconnect on loss of connection and to have bandwidth limiting. I want to leave it on an unattended box (copying audio from a live radio station as it is produced) but the machine also streams live content so I can't have SCP maxing out the connection every hour and I don't want to spend my life reconneting it because there was a short period of connectivity loss.

Bandwidth limiting: I'll try.
Reconnection: It is hard to implement due to limitation of WinSCP desing. I know it my fault :-) so I'll try, but I do not know if I succeed.

Another feature that I love is the edit multiple files in an external editor. The only problem I have with it is that if I save a file twice in quick sucession (which I often do if I realise I have made a mistake immediatly after saving a file), winSCP pops a critical message box up ("cant start seperate transfer" or something like that). It would be good if it could just finish the current upload and then upload the file again a second time. But this is a minor problem with an excellent feature. . . thanks!

That's not possible. Note that the file being uploaded should not be overwritten by another application anyway. If it is, you might upload first half of the old file version and second half with the new version.

Bandwidth Limiting

Can I please vote on the "keep remote directory up to date" to have the ability to automatically reconnect on loss of connection and to have bandwidth limiting. I want to leave it on an unattended box (copying audio from a live radio station as it is produced) but the machine also streams live content so I can't have SCP maxing out the connection every hour and I don't want to spend my life reconneting it because there was a short period of connectivity loss.

Another feature that I love is the edit multiple files in an external editor. The only problem I have with it is that if I save a file twice in quick sucession (which I often do if I realise I have made a mistake immediatly after saving a file), winSCP pops a critical message box up ("cant start seperate transfer" or something like that). It would be good if it could just finish the current upload and then upload the file again a second time. But this is a minor problem with an excellent feature. . . thanks!
