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Just an update. My provider changed the host key back after I wrote to them, and now I don't get the notification anymore from the WInSCP. So, I guess it was them changing it, but good to ask nevertheless :)

Thanks for the reply. I have asked them for the host key. I made it very clear and specific what I am talking about but so far, the messages have been going back and forth with them not understanding what I am talking about. It really is only a good hosting service if you never have any questions. They finally transferred my question to a System Administrator. Hopefully he answers soon, and confirms that it's their key.

Re: Host key authentication failed

Mio wrote:

1. If the host key hasn't changed from their end, how to I get around logging in to the machine with the different host key. That would mean that the server was spoofed, right? Obviously I don't want to log in there if it's a different key, and risk my login details to be in the hands of someone else.

If the host key has not changed on their side, it means that you are connecting to a different server than you think. That's obviously wrong. The way around would be to find another, safe, network connection to the iPage.

Try asking iPage admins for their current SSH server fingerprint. That may be easy for them to get (and understand the question).

Note that most likely their hosy key has actually changed.

Host key authentication failed


Firstly, I must say I'm very happy with the software, and I've looked everywhere for an answer to my question, without success.

I received the error message about the potential threat, claiming the host key is different. So far I understand the problem, and I've contacted my provider (iPage) and asked them if the host key has changed. They are not being very helpful, and they don't understand my question (this is not the first time that happens, their support is not very good).

My question is:

1. If the host key hasn't changed from their end, how to I get around logging in to the machine with the different host key. That would mean that the server was spoofed, right? Obviously I don't want to log in there if it's a different key, and risk my login details to be in the hands of someone else.

So far I've only found answers on what to do if the key has changed, but not if it wasn't. I would be very grateful for a hint on what to do now.

Thanks everybody.