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Re: Uppload uppercase as lowercase

I'll try to include the feature to the next version of WinSCP. The only problem is that the new option does not fit on the dialog :-)

I'm considering to replace an option "First upper case".

Uppload uppercase as lowercase

Hi Martin,

Could you please add the 'Uppload uppercase filenames as lowercase' option as we know it from the FTP plugin to FAR? (e.g. convert it to lowercase if it contains some chars 'A'..'Z' but not any 'a'..'z'.) This is very usefull feature because on Windows & NetWare uppercase is the default whereas it is lowercase on Unix.

I have worked on OpenSSH port to NetWare and I know many users that have complained about this and they almost always mentioned your great WinSCP as the client.

I think this feature should be implemented on the client-side, not server-side.

Many thanks for considering this.

Jan Patera,