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Topic review


You are absolutely correct. Problem solved!

Re: errorllevel not being returned

Why do you use start to run WinSCP? It's no used in any example on this site. Remove it.

The start launches WinSCP asynchronously not waiting for its exit. So when testing exit code, you are actually testing exit code of the previous command, the echo, that is always 0.

See also:

errorllevel not being returned

I am having trouble getting WINSCP to pass the errorlevel back from execution. I have put in echoes after the execution that displays the errorlevel. It always displays zero. However, the log says it is a 1.


echo Running OCS FTP
start C:\"Program Files (x86)"\WinSCP\ /script=D:\FTP\Optum\OCSFTPDownload.txt /log=D:\FTP\Optum\OCSLog.txt
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto end
echo fail