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Topic review


ashu.khetan wrote:

and may I please know how the feature has been implemented? or the issue is raised as a bug and you will be fixing it in some newer build?

It's implemented (not fixed, it's not a bug) already. The change will be included into the next major release.

Please note this error is related to put and not the get command. I noticed using get with a non-existent file pattern already throws an error. But same is not true for put

That should not be so . The get with file mask not matching any file should not throw an error. Please post a complete log file showing that.

and may I please know how the feature has been implemented? or the issue is raised as a bug and you will be fixing it in some newer build?

Please note this error is related to put and not the get command. I noticed using get with a non-existent file pattern already throws an error. But same is not true for put

Problem when using mput C:\fileName*


I am using Script automation to upload some file on the server and have used the following script

option batch abort
option confirm off
open -hostkey=* sftp://username:password@server
put -transfer=ascii C:\testfile*

The path C:\testfile* doesn't exist. Even then Winscp is not logging any error in xml error and is finishing with success. The command I am running for winscp is -script:scripPath -xmllog:logPath -ini:nul -log:somePath

Can you please answer how can I get winscp to exit with an error saying path C:\testfile* doesnt exist. I am using version