OK. Will try. Thanks for your suggestion!
- martin
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Well, it seems that it IS monitoring them.
I tried the following:
- Focus on a directory in the local tree pane
- Create a sub-directory of the focused one outside WinSCP
And WinSCP immediately showed it in the tree pane.
But even if it does not monitor, that is why the explicit reload key combination exists, right? To be able to force reload. No?
But OK, if you don't consider this a bug, would you accept it as an enhancement request?
refreshes just the current working directory.
I just noticed this bug is again present in 5.7.3.
I added a sibling directory outside WinSCP. I went back to WinSCP and while I was focused on a sibling directory in the tree pane, I clicked CTRL+R.
The new dir did not show up. Again I needed to go up a tree, only then it refreshes.
Log sent via mail.
BTW I think the following might help you:
I noticed that when locally I work on C: drive there are no problems.
However I have opened drive O: (you will see it in the log) which is mapped shared drive from a file server.
I think there the problem lies.