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Sorted it out

I had to change the bat file. I needed to

echo on
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP
winscp /console /script=d:\PeopleSoft\PsftERP\appserv\PSDEV1\files\ftp_command.txt /log=d:\PeopleSoft\PsftERP\appserv\PSDEV1\files\error_check_rel.txt

and this now works. The bat file runs the command file and downloads the file.

Re: Unable to get WinSCP to work with PeopleSoft 9

What do you mean by "turned on 'logging' on the console"?
If you add echo blah call to your batch file, just before calling WinSCP, is your "logging" facility able to capture it?

Re: Unable to get WinSCP to work with PeopleSoft 9

I've updated the bat file to and turned on 'logging' on the console but I still can't get any log file or see why the command file is not connecting.

Re: Unable to get WinSCP to work with PeopleSoft 9

I suggest you use instead of winscp.exe and redirect its output to a file, so that you can inspect it afterwards.

See also

Unable to get WinSCP to work with PeopleSoft 9

Hello, I have an application engine program in PeopleSoft which builds a .bat file and a command file. When I double click the bat file from the explorer directory, it runs and downloads the file I need. When I run it from the application engine in PeopleSoft it doesn't work.

I can log on to WinSCP on the box that PeopleSoft is located on and run the .bat file and all works properly.
I know the bat file is working as the 'move' command is being executed.

any ideas on how I can see what is wrong? The log file has no information in it. I have added WinSCP to the %path variable on the box.

this is the .bat file

cd D:\PeopleSoft\PsftERP\appserv\PSDEV1\files
move hel11242.001 ftp_test
winscp.exe /console /script=d:\PeopleSoft\PsftERP\appserv\PSDEV1\files\ftp_command.txt /log=d:\PeopleSoft\PsftERP\appserv\PSDEV1\files\error_check_rel.txt /ini=test.ini

this is the command file
option batch abort
option confirm off
open ftps://username:password@secureftp.url -certificate="xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" -explicitssl
cd /HC00HT3
get -transfer=binary *.001 d:\PeopleSoft\PsftERP\appserv\PSDEV1\files\