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Re: What are the steps to follow to transfer jar file from windows2000 to solaries

- Start application, enter your login information (host name, username and password) and connect.
- If you are using Norton Commnader-like interface (the default one), select folder where you have files to upload in left panel.
- Select target remote directory in right panel.
- Mark the files to upload
- Use Copy command to transfer the files.

I hope that it is quite intuitive.
Thirumala Rao

What are the steps to follow to transfer jar file from windows2000 to solaries


I am new for this topic.In our desktops we are using windows operatinh system.our server is on solaris Operating system.Can you explain the steps how can I transfer (jar archive files)jar files from windows to solaris.
My maid id is
I am waiting for ur response.