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Topic review


Usually when I think I have found a bug and I report it to the project, someone else has already reported it. I guess there is a first time for everything.


tclendenen wrote:

It is unchecked. I have tried that and have tried changing my configuration storage hoping it would 'reset', but that didn't work either.

OK, it seems not to be working in some situations.
You should have objected sooner, I might have been fixed already in today's release.

It is unchecked. I have tried that and have tried changing my configuration storage hoping it would 'reset', but that didn't work either.

Re: Drag n Drop Copy Settings

See "Environment" tab of Preferences window. There is option in group "Confirmations" named "Drag & drop operations". Uncheck it.

Drag n Drop Copy Settings

Every time I drag a file to WinSCP (Explorer View) I am presented with the Copy preferences window. I check the box 'Use Same Settings Next Time' but when I try to drag n drop another file I get the same window and the 'Use Settings Next Time' box is unchecked. I have had the problem with the last few builds including 3.6.8 witch I just downloaded.
