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Topic review


I lose :oops:

I always wondered the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc, I get it now.. you learn something every day, I guess :?

ps error message contains suggestion that .profile prints the message (the faq says .profile isn't executed for non-interactive), which made me think .bashrc and .bash_profile are the other way around. argh. maybe make it link to the faq? :)

sorry for wasting time, delete please. :x

Re: small fix for login fortunes, etc

You should read F.A.Q. to learn cause of your problems and also to learn that your solution is not the right one :-)

small fix for login fortunes, etc

When connecting to ssh, I have "fortune" in my .bashrc, which prints a little fortune. However winscp chews on this, because it makes the initial packet(s) too big and complains. Trivial fix is to check the type of terminal through environment variable in script, like:

# Fix for winscp

if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ]; then

(putty and openssh emulate xterm, should work for other clients also - try "echo $TERM" to see)

Now winscp works and I get my fortunes in putty and so on. why winscp needs to launch bash at all, I don't know, maybe weirdness in ssh protocol, hah. anyway, hope that helps someone out :D