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Re: Cant open WINSCP on Win 8.1

martin wrote:

Don't you have multiple-monitor setup, while having the other monitor (where WinSCP possibly starts) turned off or absent?

Thanks. That fixed it. Somehow, even though I have never had more than one monitor it got set to "generic monitor" plus also set to "Syncmaster."

Re: Cant open WINSCP on Win 8.1

Don't you have multiple-monitor setup, while having the other monitor (where WinSCP possibly starts) turned off or absent?

Cant open WINSCP on Win 8.1

When I click on the WinSCP desktop shortcut (latest ed) in Win 8.1 it appears on the taskbar as an open program but does not open a window and I cannot get it to open a full size or any size window. This is probably some kind of cockpit error on my end but I have not seen this happen before.