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Re: [WebDAV] Remote directories not shown

According to WebDAV DTD, the response element has to contain either status or propstat subelement.

<!ELEMENT response (href, ((href*, status)|(propstat+)), error?, responsedescription? , location?) >

The response in the log contains neither. WinSCP (silently) skips such entries. What kind of WebDAV server is this?

[WebDAV] Remote directories not shown


I've downloaded the latest beta (version 5.6.1, build 4547) to test the new WebDAV feature (thanks for implementing it :-)

The connection is established without problems but then WinSCP doesn't display any remote directory (see attached screenshot).

The root directory should contain a directory named "dav" and the file ".dav_http".
In the log I can see that it detects them but it is not able to transform the information into a directory view.

I don't have such a problem with other programs like NetDrive or a normal web browser.

I wouldn't be surprised if the server-side WebDAV implementation is crap but maybe it is a bug in or an incompatibility with WinSCP that can be fixed?

Thanks and regards,