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Re: Fail to open a connection

martin wrote:

Can you connect with any other SSH client?

Yes, sorry, I should have announced here that I solved the problem. What happened is that my account was locked out because of my several attempts to login with a wrong user name/password combination. Once the account was fixed, I could connect without any issues.

Thanks for getting back to me.

All the best,

Re: Fail to open a connection

Can you connect with any other SSH client?

Re: Fail to open a connection

EddieL wrote:

I am using the .NET library and I followed the exact same steps described in the code sample that is available here. Even though I use the correct parameters for the host name, user name, password, and SSH host key, the authentication fails and the connection is not open. Is there a way to troubleshoot this issue, eventually to find out what else is missing?


I must mention that the WinSCP client fails too. I get an access denied response. However, I can connect with the same credentials using a web client available over HTTPS that is exposed from the server.

Fail to open a connection

I am using the .NET library and I followed the exact same steps described in the code sample that is available here. Even though I use the correct parameters for the host name, user name, password, and SSH host key, the authentication fails and the connection is not open. Is there a way to troubleshoot this issue, eventually to find out what else is missing?
