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Re: New User, cannot connect

morphius2 wrote:

I installed WinSCP today, this is the first time I've attempted secure shell. I am unable to connect to the server. The hostname I am using is, and port 21. I'm using the same username and password I use with my ftp program.

21 is port for FTP. WinSCP is not FTP client. Secure shell port is 22.

Also, I was reading in an article that using CuteFTP was an insecure way to transfer files, but when I was looking in the options for CuteFTP, there were options for:
-- FTP with TLS/SSL (Port 990 Imlicit)
-- FTP with SSL (AUTH SSL Explicit)
-- FTP with TLS/SSL (AUTH TLS Explicit)

Are any of these options a secure option?

I know very little about SSL protocol, but I guess it should be secure. While the implementation in CuteFTP maybe possibly insecure, but I cannot tell.

New User, cannot connect

I installed WinSCP today, this is the first time I've attempted secure shell. I am unable to connect to the server. The hostname I am using is, and port 21. I'm using the same username and password I use with my ftp program.

Is the above stated the correct information, or should I be using something else? If I am, what should I be using?

Also, I was reading in an article that using CuteFTP was an insecure way to transfer files, but when I was looking in the options for CuteFTP, there were options for:
-- FTP with TLS/SSL (Port 990 Imlicit)
-- FTP with SSL (AUTH SSL Explicit)
-- FTP with TLS/SSL (AUTH TLS Explicit)

Are any of these options a secure option?

Thanks in advance