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Topic review


Re: Synchronisation

Jfair wrote:

Is there a way to lower these directory listings requests? I can use the filter to use only a few subdirectories per synchronisation round?

Yes, that's the only way.


Is there a way to lower these directory listings requests? I can use the filter to use only a few subdirectories per synchronisation round?

Re: Synchronisation

Jfair wrote:

Hey, hey. No, there is no synchronisation in Fireftp. That's the reason (and the scripting) that I'm coming to WinSCP. It only happens with synchronisation apparantly.

Probably because there are many directory listings done in a short time span, when WinSCP in looking for modified files.


Hey, hey. No, there is no synchronisation in Fireftp. That's the reason (and the scripting) that I'm coming to WinSCP. It only happens with synchronisation apparantly.


Re: Any other option?

Are you doing synchronization with fireFTP too?

Any other option?

Is there any other option? Something on the server side? I do not have this event happening with fireFTP for instance, but it happens only during the synchronisation read phase, not during writing, copying, etc... . Thanks.

Re: Too frequent

There's no settings to make WinSCP slower.

Too frequent

Hi Martin,
Yes, from what I did understand is that there are to many requests arriving at the same time, so to frequent requests. I tried to change some settings, but did not have success. Thanks for your help.

Re: too many ftp requests

Sorry, but that's bit vague. I'm not sure that they mean by "too many FTP requests". Can they provide more details? Does it mean "too frequent" requests?

too many ftp requests


I get disconnected randomly when synchronizing a large website locally. It happens during the read phase where the folders are compared. I have contacted the server/provider and they state that we get disconnected due to too many request at the same time. Is there a way to lower the request (and probably slowing down the compare process)? Thanks.