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Topic review


Re: Bug/Feature Request: Translate illegal characters

martin wrote:

See option "Replace \:*?" in transfer settings.

Oh! Thanks! The problem was I was using an old version of WinSCP, from <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>. I'll drop that guy a note to tell him to update his link!

Re: Bug/Feature Request: Translate illegal characters

See option "Replace \:*?" in transfer settings.

Bug/Feature Request: Translate illegal characters

I'm not sure if this is a bug or feature request, or duplicative of the charset request. There are several characters which are valid on a linux ext2/3 filesystem (notably : and ?) which are illegal on all the Windows filesystems I am familiar with. There does not appear to be any mechanism to transfer files with these characters in their names short of renaming the file at the source. If you have read-only access to the source directory, you can't transfer the files at all. Am I missing something?