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Topic review


I figured out the port issue. This works:

open ftp://<<username>>:<<password>> -explicittls -certificate="bb4:b4:0a:6f:4f:be:6f:0c:43:e9:52:e8:e8:3c:92:56:ce:03:7b:5b"

When I look at site manager I see the port number set to 31110. When I run my script the log file show the (Port: 21). In the open command is there a way to change port to 31110?. I tried adding this to the open command -port=31110 and the script will not even run.

Newbie needs help with scirpting

I am trying to write a script to automatically download a file from an ftp server and am not having much luck. Looking for help. Here is the batch file I created. When I run, I see that it is trying to connect to the FTP server, connection times out and fails. Could someone help me?

cd /d C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP
winscp WHERE FILE IS LOCATED /explicittls