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Anonymous wrote:

I'm fairly new to this. I am using WinSCP for transferring a single file to a single server using synchronization and that works well. I wasn't sure about doing multiple files to multiple servers. I'm sure it will have to be done using scripting. I'll read up on it. Any help or examples would be greatly appreciated.

This is what I have:
A scripting file as such:
synchronize remote [ <Z:IT\xfer\tve> [ <> ] ]
synchronize remote [ <Z:IT\xfer\osg1> [ <> ] ]
synchronize remote [ <Z:IT\xfer\osg2> [ <> ] ]
Now what do I do to call this scripting file? The top one can be changed 4 times a day, the other 2 are once a month. My boss thought we could have this all in one synchronization doing all the files at once. Is that possible?

I'm fairly new to this. I am using WinSCP for transferring a single file to a single server using synchronization and that works well. I wasn't sure about doing multiple files to multiple servers. I'm sure it will have to be done using scripting. I'll read up on it. Any help or examples would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Multile files to multiple remote Directories?

Well, of course. What particular problem are you having this this?

Multile files to multiple remote Directories?

Is it possible to send file1 to remote directory1 and file2 to remote directory2 from the same session? I am using WinSCP version 5.5.3, windows 7 and doing SFTP.