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Topic review


schultkl wrote:

The 'M' constraint seems to currently refer to size, rather than time (that is, "M (Megabyte)") .

Thanks for spotting this. I have fixed my previous answer.

Note: we can get close enough for our purposes using 182D instead of 6M...

Isn't that enough?

The 'M' constraint seems to currently refer to size, rather than time (that is, "M (Megabyte)") .

I see the following time constraints: "One of the following units must be used: Y (years), D (days), H (hours), N (minutes) or S (seconds)."

Might a month constraint exist? Thank you.

Note: we can get close enough for our purposes using 182D instead of 6M...

Re: Delete remote files older than

I've just thought, I may just delete the whole remote directory and just use a put command with the -filemask switch to upload the most recent files. I'll do this if there's no cleaner solution.

Delete remote files older than

Hi. I've been trying to figure out if this is possible with WinSCP. However, I cant see if something like the -filemask switch is available for the rm command or if the synchronize command has a remote -delete switch, rather than a local one.

I'm basically trying to upload the latest file and then delete anything over 1 month old on the remote server.

I haven't got ssh access so I cant do it that way.