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Topic review


deep-silver wrote:

Since we are using a portable version, these setting should not kept in registry rather in a file ready to carry anywhere

You haven't really explained it. The settings is just a temporary copy of WinSCP settings. You do not need to carry it anywhere.

martin wrote:

WinSCP explicitly supports only original PuTTY and KiTTY.
Though on they state that their clone of PuTTY can still read settings from registry. So I do not see what the issue is. Is it about deleting the exported settings after you leave the machine?

Since we are using a portable version, these setting should not kept in registry rather in a file ready to carry anywhere

WinSCP explicitly supports only original PuTTY and KiTTY.
Though on they state that their clone of PuTTY can still read settings from registry. So I do not see what the issue is. Is it about deleting the exported settings after you leave the machine?

martin wrote:

What portable version of PuTTY are you using?
wincsp is automatically using registry setting when I set this under
Setting PuTTY application in Preferences -> Integration -> Applications -> External applications -> PuTTY/Terminal Client PATH

What portable version of PuTTY are you using?

Just have the setting checked under, remember pass season to PuTTY.
This create HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham

I use portable version of PuTTY which read/write setting from file.

Re: Portable still save in reg

What "temporary"? How does WinSCP portability relate to exporting settings to the PuTTY? Are you using some portable clone of PuTTY?

Portable still save in reg

Using WinSCP 5.5.5 portable still save some information in system reg.
Setting PuTTY application in Preferences -> Integration -> Applications -> External applications -> PuTTY/Terminal Client PATH
This will result in season information saved in system registry (under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham) instead in temporary