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Topic review


Thanks for your feedback.

Adding the option requested dropped the transfer time from 45 minutes to 20.

Thank you.

I will add that option and test again later today and then report back either way.

Re: Speed difference

Actually I do not see any disconnects in the WinSCP log.

WinSCP is indeed slower as it uses only one connection for the upload. As you are uploading several folders, you can save some time by checking Transfer each file individually :

Further improvement to this is pending:

For the delete part, WinSCP is actually faster then FileZilla.

I received a notice that this topic was updated, Yet it is nowhere to be found.

What happened?

New Filezilla upload and delete log.

That is correct. I should have been clearer. Only the first WinSCP log has the delete in it. Shortly I will generate a log for the Filezilla delete.

sunrisecc wrote:

I am attaching three logs, Filezilla and two foe WinSCP. The first is the default log for the upload and delete of the same files. The second is under the option of debug 1.

Thanks for the logs. Though the FileZilla log shows only the upload, not the delete.

I am attaching three logs, Filezilla and two foe WinSCP. The first is the default log for the upload and delete of the same files. The second is under the option of debug 1.

I will shorten the list of files and generate both logs some time today.

Re: Speed difference

Thanks for your report.
Please attach complete log files both from WinSCP and FileZilla.

A further update.

If I delete the files uploaded via WinSCP, the connection drops every so often. However with Filezilla, it never drops.

Speed difference

I uploaded 3773 files to my server using the latest WinSCP via FTP explicit over TLS. It took over 45 minutes. I did see under the Progress column the status of 'connecting' very often.

I then tried the same files using the same method via Filezilla and it took 15 minutes.

What options can I change in WinSCP?

I am running Win 7 - 32 bit.