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Re: Unable to register the DLL/OCX:RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3.

Annonymous wrote:

I ran into this issue today installing version 5.13.3. So I did some testing and found that if I removed the ".exe" from the regsvr command that it would work.

This command does not work and results in the error:
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\DragExt64.dll"

This command DOES work:
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\DragExt64.dll"

Thanks for sharing this. What do where regsvr32.exe and where regsvr32 say?

Unable to register the DLL/OCX:RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3.

I ran into this issue today installing version 5.13.3. So I did some testing and found that if I removed the ".exe" from the regsvr command that it would work.

This command does not work and results in the error:
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\DragExt64.dll"

This command DOES work:
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\DragExt64.dll"

Thanks for the tests.
I do not want you to loose your working installation of WinSCP. But if you have a chance to test it on another similar machine.

As requested, here is the output file. However, the error did NOT occur this time, of course - "Mechanic Syndrome." The last thing I did after writing the note above, was to run the installer one last time, but this time I chose to Ignore the error and continue on, since I needed to have WinSCP working. I hoped it would work, and it did, even though it gave the error.

Today, when I ran the same installer again, it went all the way through, apparently satisfied by the results of "reinstalling" WinSCP. Those output results are attached.

Let me know if you want me to uninstall/reinstall, and grab the install output log again.

Re: I'm having this problem on version 5.11.3

decay wrote:

I'm having the exact same problem on the current version of WinSCP. Is there a reliable solution for it?

And I have the exact same response:
Can you attach the installer log? Use /log=


I'm having this problem on version 5.11.3

I'm having the exact same problem on the current version of WinSCP. Is there a reliable solution for it?



This is during the end of the installation phase. If I hit ignore it seems to install fine, I can then re-reg the DLL after it has installed and it succeeds. I have tried installing this on several different systems and get the same error on all of them.

Re: Can't install on Windows 7 x64 - DragExt64.dll

What happens if you do regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\DragExt64.dll" from Admin command-line?

Can't install on Windows 7 x64 - DragExt64.dll

Every time I try to install this I get an Error

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\DragExt64.dll

Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3.

Have tried multiple versions of the software and get the same error on each. 5.5.5, 5.5.6, 4.2.17 all fail.