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Re: sftp

jk wrote:

if i choose abort in ftp then files will be deleted ? pls answer

What files? Please ask a good question, with details, if you want to get a good answer.


if i choose abort in ftp then files will be deleted ? pls answer

Script will no Abort using Option Batch Abort

For some reason when my network drops my script will not abort.

Heres the command:

"%~dp0\winscp.exe" /console /script="script.txt" 


and the script.txt:

option batch abort

option confirm off
cd /directory/
synchronize local

When i pull my network cable(to test for network drop) I get:

The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.

Connection failed.
(A)bort, (R)econnect (5 s):
(A)bort, (R)econnect (0 s): Reconnect

It will continue to try and reconnect indefinitely.

Why doesn't the script auto abort? I am using option batch abort. Am I missing something ?