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Re: Windows 95 "B" & winscp 3.5.6 build 213

martin wrote:

I'm sorry, but I do not know how to help you :-(

Actually, I was using 3.6.8 I believe.

Anyway, now I have another question. Is there somewhere I can download a previous version? Maybe this newest version is too new for my PC.

Re: Windows 95 "B" & winscp 3.5.6 build 213

I'm sorry, but I do not know how to help you :-(

Re: Windows 95 "B" & winscp 3.5.6 build 213

martin wrote:

And can you connect using other SSH client? Just to make sure that the server is really available.

Yes - I can connect from my work PC with no problem, to the same host, login & password. My work PC is Dell/WinXP on a T3 network; my home PC is Cyrix/Win 95 on a dial-up. As I said, it used to work from home as well but stopped - but it still works fine from work.

Re: Windows 95 "B" & winscp 3.5.6 build 213

And can you connect using other SSH client? Just to make sure that the server is really available.

Re: Windows 95 "B" & winscp 3.5.6 build 213

martin wrote:

Can you try to connect with Putty SSH client?

I am having the same problem, same version of Win95 as well.

I had installed winSCP on this same PC and it was working fine until one day it unexpectedly gave me the "host does not exist" error. I uninstalled winSCP and re-installed, and it still did it. Yesterday I uninstalled and downloaded the newest version, and installed it today, and it still does it. I just now downloaded putty.exe and it is giving me the same error message - "host does not exist"

It works fine at work, same host, same login/password, everything. My work PC is WinXP.

please help if you can, thanks

Re: Windows 95 "B" & winscp 3.5.6 build 213

Can you try to connect with Putty SSH client?

Windows 95 "B" & winscp 3.5.6 build 213

I have installed winscp onto a Windows 95 "B" machine - (it is not Win 95 SR2, but rather Win 95 4.00.950B, which is a previous, but not the oldest, version.)

When opening a connection, I get an error dialog

"Host does not exist"

When I manually specified the IP address rather than DNS name, I get an error dialog

"Network error: Socket type not supported"

The machine is able to run teraterm pro with ssh extension, telling me that it is at least possible to have a SSH connection, however, there was another ssh client (I can't remember which) that I tried before where I got a similar error message (alluding to socket type.)

I have had no other difficulties with winscp (works fine on a w2k box when communicating with my server), so I suspect a specific issue with Win 95.

The machine has "winsock 2" supplement from microsoft, which cannot be removed (so that I cannot remove this to see if it is the cause of the problem.) I cannot convert to Win95 SR2 or later OS due to specific hardware dependencies (the machine is HP Omnibook 800CT/166 which was only distributed with the "B" version.)

Any advice appreciated!
