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Re: Automatic file downloads?

3.7 suggests that this is doable but I haven't been able to get it to work.

Why? What's the problem?

Re: Automatic file downloads?

martin wrote:

The reply is one week old "16 Sep 2004 07:24" :-) I'm working on it.

Any luck on this? I would like to be able to use Windows task scheduler to start a winscp3 session and upload some files to a remote site in the background automatically without user intervention. 3.7 suggests that this is doable but I haven't been able to get it to work.

Jay McDonald

Re: Automatic file downloads?

The reply is one week old "16 Sep 2004 07:24" :-) I'm working on it.

Re: Automatic file downloads?

martin wrote:

In the next version...

Hi can you tell me if this is now possible I noticed from the reply this was in 2002 I have just recently downloaded winscp Version 3.6.1 build 221

your hopeful

Re: Automatic file downloads?

In the next version...

Automatic file downloads?

is there any way to get this up to automagically grab a set of files from a site, and remove them from said site without any user interaction?