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Topic review


Re: please display the line numbers on the left side of the window

please display the line numbers on the left side of the window

it is a great help while editing codes, and I think it can be implemented without much hassle...
also you could include color coding different parts of codes in different programming languages for easier readability

hoping you'd take this into consideration

This is unlikely, please use an external editor.

please display the line numbers on the left side of the window

please display the line numbers on the left side of the window

it is a great help while editing codes, and I think it can be implemented without much hassle...
also you could include color coding different parts of codes in different programming languages for easier readability

hoping you'd take this into consideration

Please reconsider to improve the editor!

IMO it needs:
fg/bg color
horizontal split to view/edit two section of a file

thank you..

Re: Improvements in the Internal Editor

Thanks for your suggestions. Though we do not plan to make big improvements to internal editor. If you need a better editor, consider using an external editor with WinSCP.

Improvements in the Internal Editor

The internal editor is a great tool and I perfer to use it. But it is missing a couple of items/toggle

1) Show line numbers
2) Option to show multiple editors as 'tabs' in one window -- easier for cut/paste
3) "Tail" mode -- scroll to bottom and reload/refresh on changes

Thanks for a great product