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Re: stay in the same local folder the next time i start winsc

GRE wrote:

Is there a way of defining the default local directory for ALL sessions?

I have updated the F.A.Q. Maybe it will help you.

Re: stay in the same local folder the next time i start winsc

martin wrote:

Check "Remember last used directory" on Directories tab of Login window. Save the settings to your stored session.

Is there a way of defining the default local directory for ALL sessions?

Re: stay in the same local folder the next time i start winsc

Check "Remember last used directory" on Directories tab of Login window. Save the settings to your stored session.

stay in the same local folder the next time i start winsc

hi i just wonder if you can change something so you stay in the same local folder the next time i start winscp as i did when i shut it down. i thought you could do that with an older version but i may remember wrong