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Re: transfer multiple files

diane wrote:

What is the Mark menu and explorer interface only brings up the host not my local directory so I can not transfer files this way.

What about using drag&drop as in Windows Explorer? If you do not like this, use Commander interface, which is intended to be controlled via keyboard.

diane wrote:

Ok I found Mark, but if there are multiple files and we want to select 2 out of three files how do we select only those 2 files?

If you are using Explorer interface, use the same way as you select multiple file in Windows Explorer. For example by holding down Shift or Ctrl keys while clicking mouse buttons.
diane lupinski

Re: transfer multiple files

Ok I found Mark, but if there are multiple files and we want to select 2 out of three files how do we select only those 2 files?
diane lupinski

Re: transfer multiple files

What is the Mark menu and Explorer interface only brings up the host not my local directory so I can not transfer files this way.
diane lupinski

Transfer multiple files

How do I transfer more than one file at a time. Can I highlight multiple files to copy?