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I'm having the same issue, but cannot willingly reproduce at the moment.

But yes, this issue has been haunting me for a few months.
Occasionally when browsing a remote connection, it will scroll itself back to the top while I'm trying to click through.

Hasn't been a massive hassle, I've put up with the issue for the last few months.
Just today I did a quick Google to see if it had happened to someone else.

Windows 7 Professional
WinSCP 5.5.6

Re: Double-click on file causes scroll first

martin wrote:

I cannot reproduce this. Could you record a video of the issue? E.g. using <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Just noticed you had answered me. Sorry, didn't mean to ignore you. I got set up to record and discovered the problem no longer occurs for me. I am also on Version 5.6.5 RC (Build 4982) now.

Re: Double-click on file causes scroll first

I cannot reproduce this. Could you record a video of the issue? E.g. using <invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

Re: Double-click on file causes scroll first

Thanks for your report.
So this problem does NOT happen with 5.6.2?

Double-click on file causes scroll first

With the (I think it is called) 'commander' layout -- two panels, one on left is local files, one on right is remote files:

I click on one remote folder. Not critical which, just needs to ensure no file is highlighted/selected.

The window is sized so that about 12-15 lines of the remote directory are seen.

Then the following problem can be reproduced:

I click (in the upper half of the right side) on a folder other than the current one
The folder is one with a dozen or so folders and a couple dozen files inside it.

I press the 'refresh' icon (two green arrows on the button)

I click on a different folder (in the top half of the right side)

I scroll down the bottom half of the right side (the file list)

I double click on a file

[problem begins here]

WinSCP scrolls the panel to the top of the file list

WinSCP tries to do a double-click on whatever file happens to be at that point where my mouse cursor was sitting

So something has happened in 5.6.3 and 5.6.4 which didn't happen in prior versions.

I have to single-click the file and THEN double-click it to get the file to open/transfer.