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Re: Keep Remote Directory Up to Date - without manual restart?

mike.mann@... wrote:

WinSCP in start folder, watch for changes and automatically reflect them in remote directory. Use same settings next time.

Requires restart even if I just close the keep remote directory settings window.

Is there a way to make this a permanent setting, requiring the use of "STOP" to turn it off, rather than continually having to start the process.

Sorry, I do not understand. What does "require restart"?

Keep Remote Directory Up to Date - without manual restart?

WinSCP in start folder, watch for changes and automatically reflect them in remote directory. Use same settings next time.

Requires restart even if I just close the keep remote directory settings window.

Is there a way to make this a permanent setting, requiring the use of "STOP" to turn it off, rather than continually having to start the process.

Thank you !

Re: Automatically "Keep remote directory up to date"

blahblah8192 wrote:

* without having to do "CTRL+U"

Use /keepuptodate command-line parameter (remove /uploadifany if there's one).
* without having to click "Start"

Add /defaults command-line parameter.
* without having to click No on the popup "Do you want to synchronize?"

Just check (or uncheck, depending on your preferences) the Synchronize on start checkbox and check Use same options the next time.

Also note that the function "Keep remote directory up to date" has been improved in 5.6.x. Consider upgrading.

Automatically "Keep remote directory up to date"

I have a shortcut on my desktop that connects my FTP server.
Is it possible that when I double click on this shortcut :

(See attachment 1 below)

the feature "Keep remote directory up to date" is automatically started:

(See attachment 2 below)

* without having to do "CTRL+U"
* without having to click "Start"
* without having to click No on the popup "Do you want to synchronize?"
