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Re: winscp.exe "mySession" /open "path" will open dir or file

t603 wrote:

a) directory (start WinSCP, if not started... and) open the directory,

Use winscp.exe s
The trailing slash is important.

b) file (start WinSCP, if not started... and) open the file in EXTERNAL editor.

That's bit problematic as it requires WinSCP to run in the background watching for the edited file. But how? Hidden completely? Just a tray icon? Not sure about that.

winscp.exe "mySession" /open "path" will open dir or file

Good afternoon,

I am testing WinSCP 5.6.5 RC, the new feature /edit. I have two feature requests:

Would it be possible to add /open command, which will in case of path of type :
a) directory (start WinSCP, if not started... and) open the directory,
b) file (start WinSCP, if not started... and) open the file in EXTERNAL editor.

Thank You, Stepan