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Re: Editing MS-Word docs through WinSCP

So you are using an Edit command. The Edit command by default won't open any file in Word. You had to configure WinSCP to do so (Word as an external editor). How did you do that? Can you post a screenshot of your configuration?

Re: Editing MS-Word docs through WinSCP

martin wrote:

hamo wrote:

I try to open .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx via WINSCP, but all the time I just get error message - unable to open document, it's broken etc. What I shall to do?

How are you trying to open them? Double-click? (defaults to Edit command) Or using Open command? In what application do you get the "it's broken" error?

Double click or F4 but WinSCP makes same process - it open file in Word but then Word stops the opening process and write "it is unable to open this file, because there is some problems with his content" ... "file is broken and it is unable to open it"

Re: Editing MS-Word docs through WinSCP

hamo wrote:

I try to open .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx via WINSCP, but all the time I just get error message - unable to open document, it's broken etc. What I shall to do?

How are you trying to open them? Double-click? (defaults to Edit command) Or using Open command? In what application do you get the "it's broken" error?

Re: Editing MS-Word docs through WinSCP

I try to open .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx via WINSCP, but all the time I just get error message - unable to open document, it's broken etc. What I shall to do?

martin wrote:

How do you want to edit remote file in MS Word without having to download first?

However, if you define Word as external editor in WinSCP, it will do all the steps for you. You just press F4, file will be downloaded, opened in editor and when the editor is closed, it will be uploaded back.

Re: Editing MS-Word docs through WinSCP

How do you want to edit remote file in MS Word without having to download first?

However, if you define Word as external editor in WinSCP, it will do all the steps for you. You just press F4, file will be downloaded, opened in editor and when the editor is closed, it will be uploaded back.

Editing MS-Word docs through WinSCP

Basically what I want to setup is to allow people to edit MS-Word docs (if they are writable by the user) while still on the server isntead of having to download, edit, and re-upload the files. Has anyone ever gotten that to work?

Any help would be much appriciated, thanks.