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Anagha wrote:

We checked uploading it through WinSCP client (5.5.2) directly not through .NET code; this time the file uploaded successfully on Root without any error message. That means it is not a server problem.

Please attach a session log file showing that.

We checked uploading it through WinSCP client (5.5.2) directly not through .NET code; this time the file uploaded successfully on Root without any error message. That means it is not a server problem.
But same WinSCPNet.dll through following .NET code throws error back with error code -2
var transferOptions = new TransferOptions();
transferOptions.TransferMode = TransferMode.Binary;
FilePermissions fp = new FilePermissions();
session.PutFiles(localPath: SourcePath, remotePath: DestinationPath, remove: false, options: transferOptions);

Please help.

Re: WinSCP Uploads file successfully to SFTP but gives error-2

Thank you for the reply. I can check this on wednesday/thursday when the client load comes. I will reply back to you on the same day.

Re: WinSCP Uploads file successfully to SFTP but gives error-2

It looks like a server-side problem to me. Are you able to upload the file using any other SFTP client?

WinSCP Uploads file successfully to SFTP but gives error-2


WinSCP Uploads file successfully to SFTP but gives back error code 2
We are getting this problem for one client when we try to upload zip file of size 47 MB to SFTP through WinSCP.
We are trying to upload the file at root of SFTP. "/"
WinSCP version 5.5.2
Attaching a WinSCP log here. SFTP url and client name is changed in the log file.
Please help me to resolve this problem.
Thank you.