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Re: International UTF-8 support would be wonderful

turnkit wrote:

International UTF-8 support would be wonderful - I second the request (again)

e.g. "проект_Понимание_геноцида." chokes

There is almost not chance that WinSCP will support full unicode.

International UTF-8 support would be wonderful

martin wrote:

ls2newbee wrote:

Seems that there is still no solution (for Unicode chars not displayable in current LOCALE, e.g. Simplifiead Chinese filenames, WinSCP running on WinXP configured German for non-Unicode Programs - German Umlauts are ok by specifiying Protocol Options: Server does not use UTF-8: Off)

WinSCP does not have Unicode interface. It can display only those UTF-8 characters that are displayable in locale character set.

International UTF-8 support would be wonderful - I second the request (again)

e.g. "проект_Понимание_геноцида." chokes

ls2newbee wrote:

Seems that there is still no solution (for Unicode chars not displayable in current LOCALE, e.g. Simplifiead Chinese filenames, WinSCP running on WinXP configured German for non-Unicode Programs - German Umlauts are ok by specifiying Protocol Options: Server does not use UTF-8: Off)

WinSCP does not have Unicode interface. It can display only those UTF-8 characters that are displayable in locale character set.

same here.

Seems that there is still no solution (for Unicode chars not displayable in current LOCALE, e.g. Simplifiead Chinese filenames, WinSCP running on WinXP configured German for non-Unicode Programs - German Umlauts are ok by specifiying Protocol Options: Server does not use UTF-8: Off)

ls2newbee at

Dear Martin,

thanks for this product! And another voice calling for UTF-8 translation support.. If I could help in testing/debugging that part, I would be more than helpful.


ndt44 wrote:


Firstly, I must say thanks for this wonderfully functional and useful product; it has made my life much simpler in my administrative tasks at my office.

Somewhat problematically, my office is in Tokyo and the vast majority of files on the Linux/Samba fileserver have Japanese filenames, encoded as UTF-8.

As such, I'd just like to add another voice to those calling for Unicode filename support.

Thanks again,

- Nigel


Firstly, I must say thanks for this wonderfully functional and useful product; it has made my life much simpler in my administrative tasks at my office.

Somewhat problematically, my office is in Tokyo and the vast majority of files on the Linux/Samba fileserver have Japanese filenames, encoded as UTF-8.

As such, I'd just like to add another voice to those calling for Unicode filename support.

Thanks again,

- Nigel

Re: Unicode paths.

It is on the wishlist.
International user.

Unicode paths.

Unicode paths seem to be not compatible :(

I hope it can be addressed.

Thanks for the great program!