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Topic review


Dervish wrote:

So, what's the address ?
Man I hate shells that have forced password renewing several times / year.

martin wrote:

Send me an email (see my forum profile for address).

martin wrote:

Send me an email (see my forum profile for address). If you know how to extract the encrypted password from registry, send it in the email. If you do not, write me anyway, so I have email contact to you.

So, what's the address ?
Man I hate shells that have forced password renewing several times / year.

Yusaku wrote:

I need an help on this too, i lost a pass but i have it stored in winscp confing, how i can get it?

Send me an email (see my forum profile for address). If you know how to extract the encrypted password from registry, send it in the email. If you do not, write me anyway, so I have email contact to you.

I need an help on this too, i lost a pass but i have it stored in winscp confing, how i can get it?

Re: help with passwords

You mean that you have password stored in WinSCP session and you want to decrypt it from there?

help with passwords

i don't remember one of my hostee's password and i REALLY need it so i can tell her what it is.

is there anyway to look in a log or whatever to find out what it is?