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Re: Trying to compile WinSCP 5.56 from source...

It's because you are compiling 5.5.6 (that made for XE2) with XE6 (which does not have FClients).
Use 5.7 as mentioned above.

Re: Trying to compile WinSCP 5.56 from source...

Ok, so I tried Embarcadero C++ Builder XE6 which got past the error I was experiencing.

Build fails with the error below:

packages\tb2k\TB2ExtItems.pas(258): error E2003: Undeclared identifier: 'FClients'

packages\tb2k\TB2ExtItems.pas(271): error E2003: Undeclared identifier: 'FClients'
packages\tb2k\TB2ExtItems.pas(284): error E2003: Undeclared identifier: 'FClients'
packages\tb2k\TB2ExtItems.pas(297): error E2003: Undeclared identifier: 'FClients'
packages\tb2k\TB2ExtItems.pas(310): error E2003: Undeclared identifier: 'FClients'
pasall.tmp(10): error F2063: Could not compile used unit 'TB2ExtItems.pas'
Done Building Project "Z:\winscp556source\source\tb2k.cbproj" (Build target(s)) -- FAILED.
Project "Z:\winscp556source\source\WinSCP.groupproj" (1) is building "Z:\winscp556source\source\tbxp.cbproj" (6) on node 0 (Build target(s)).
  Compiling packages\tbx\TBXThemes.pas;packages\tbx\TBXToolPals.pas;packages\tbx\TBXDefaultTheme.pas;packages\tbx\TBXOfficeXPTheme.pas;packages\tbx\TBX.pas;packages\tbx\TBXExtItems.pas;packages\tbx\TBXUtils.pas;packages\tbx\TBXStatusBars.pas;packages\tbx\TBXLists.pas;packages\tbx\TBXOffice2003Theme.pas using temporary file pasall.tmp
  Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 27.0
  Copyright (c) 1983,2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Re: Trying to compile WinSCP 5.56 from source...

C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\Bin\CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(3057,5): erro

r : Fatal: Unable to open file 'COMBOEDIT.OBJ'

I guess this is not the root cause. There's probably another error earlier that prevented the ComboEdit from compiling. Check that.

1. Is XE2 Professional required? Does the XE7 trial work?

I haven't tried XE7 yet. But recently released WinSCP 5.7 uses XE6, so it's likely you have less problems with that release.

2. What is the release version of the portable WinSCP compiled with?

The same, XE2 (5.5.x), XE6 (5.6.x - 5.7.x)

Trying to compile WinSCP 5.56 from source...

Windows 7 64bit, that is.

Trying to compile WinSCP 5.56 from source...


I am looking to build WinSCP 5.56 from source. My environment is Windows 7, MS Framework 3.5 and NASM version 2.11.06. The readme.txt file in the root of the source archive package states that Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2 Professional is prerequisite. However, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2 is no longer available. So, I attempted to use XE 7 but I encounter MSBuild.exe errors such as:

C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\Bin\CodeGear.Cpp.Targets(3057,5): erro

r : Fatal: Unable to open file 'COMBOEDIT.OBJ'

My questions are:

1. Is XE2 Professional required? Does the XE7 trial work?
2. What is the release version of the portable WinSCP compiled with?
3. Am I way off base with my issue? Any ideas where the issue might be?