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Re: Translation installation

martin wrote:

Please make sure that
- translation file and the WinSCP executable are in the same directory

Thanks, this was the solution, I had not understood that the "french" file had to be in the final program directory.

martin wrote:

- have same basename (WinSCP3.exe and
- translation file is for version 3.6.8. Verify that by showing properties of the file in windows explorer. Find "Product version" on Version tab.

Thanks for all, goog continuation...


Re: Translation installation

Please make sure that
- translation file and the WinSCP executable are in the same directory
- have same basename (WinSCP3.exe and
- translation file is for version 3.6.8. Verify that by showing properties of the file in windows explorer. Find "Product version" on Version tab.

Translation installation


I've just downloaded & installed 3.6.8 version of WinSCP, international edition,.
I installed the "english" default option.
(it runs well)
I downloaded also add-on, to get a french version.

When I run the software, and click on the "languages" button, I see the "English" quoted, but I do not find any way to load the french add-on.

What should I do ?

Thanks anyhow for all your work

Michel Keller