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Re: import button greyed out

nazbrokbrother wrote:

I've created a directory C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla and placed sites.xml file extracted from FileZilla, therefore the import button is still greyed out.
i'm using 5.5.6 version

The file has to be named sitemanager.xml. With WinSCP 5.7, you will get more information.

import button greyed out

I've created a directory C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla and placed sites.xml file extracted from FileZilla, therefore the import button is still greyed out.
i'm using 5.5.6 version

Soon5 wrote:

It worked by moving the file to that place, it is just not very user friendly. In every other program I know, "Import" means opening an open file dialog to select the file. You could still have the current location preselected, but give the user the freedom to select a different file.

In this case WinSCP behaves different then other software.

Not really. The import functionality was designed to import settings from another application installed on your machine; not from a settings export file, as you are trying to do. So it's basically same as if you e.g. import bookmarks from Internet Explorer to Firefox. Firefox does not ask you where to import the bookmarks from, because they are in the well known location. And most users would not even know, there the IE stores the bookmarks. Had you installed FileZilla and imported ITS export file, the import functionality in WinSCP would work. Anyway, I understand that the import functionality can be improved to support both scenarios.


It worked by moving the file to that place, it is just not very user friendly. In every other program I know, "Import" means opening an open file dialog to select the file. You could still have the current location preselected, but give the user the freedom to select a different file.

In this case WinSCP behaves different then other software.


Anonymous wrote:

Actually I want to migrate from 1 computer to another. So I used the Export of Filezilla to create the "sites.xml" file, and i was expecting an Open File Dialog where I can choose where to load the file from.

You need to copy the sites.xml to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml and try again.


I read the documentation, and the reason why the Box is grayed out is not described. Maybe it is obvious that if nothing is found, but I whould suggest spending another sentence on that :-)



Actually I want to migrate from 1 computer to another. So I used the Export of Filezilla to create the "sites.xml" file, and i was expecting an Open File Dialog where I can choose where to load the file from.

I will try your suggestion to import and give feedback.


Re: Import Sites grayed out

WinSCP looks for FileZilla sites in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml
Do you have FileZilla configuration stored elsewhere? Please let us know where, so that we can improve the import process.

I have documented this:

Import Sites grayed out


I try to import my sites from Filezilla, but in WinSCP 5.5.3 the Buttons is grayed out (see screenshot). I didn't find any hint using Documentation, Help, FAQ, Forum, Bugtracker, Google why this is the case.

Thanks for support.[/img]